Thursday, January 4, 2007

Pity party for one.....

Dear God, if you're out there, pleeeeeeeaaaaasssseeeee let this year not suck quite as much as last year.

Thanks - Me

So is this what having a blog is all about? Living your daily life, thinking the entire day "This is SO going on my blog," and then not being able to think of anything of substance to write about that anyone will care about. (Not that anyone reads this thing anyways, but you know what I mean.)

Sorry, today's just been one of those days that throwing myself off one of the many bridges on the way home didn't seem like such a bad idea. The baby screamed all frickin day and his 3 yr old brother whined the entire time too. For the sake of my sanity, we watched way too much tv today, but I don't care because we all made it through the day.

OK, enough whining. My super duper smarty pants daughter came home with her report card today. STRAIGHT A's and sky high test scores!!!! I am proud of her and I think it's absolutely amazing that my little 5th grader scored high school level and BEYOND in the language sections and on average between 7th and 9th grade for all other subjects. Holy moly what a smart cookie.

Even the "screamin' demon" can have a cute moment.

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