Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Those were the days.....

Now that I am faced with the reality that my daughter will soon be a teenager (god. help. us. all.), I often find myself reflecting on my past behavior when I was a teenager. I've come to the conclusion that I owe my grandmother a thousand apologies - and then some.

In my own defense, I was not a complete heathen. True, I lied, drank, had sex, smoked and skipped school. I, however, did NOT talk back. Why? Because I was afraid, very afraid. I gave dirty looks and rolled my eyes as I walked out of the room, but I didn't dare disrespect the old people raising me. In addition to the brand new tatas, the hormones raging through my body also gave me the superpower of being a know-it-all. You the know the kind, the one who interrupts conversations and corrects people while they're talking. Add in a southern twang and green eyes and you've got a pretty good picture of who I was as a teenager.

Fast forward to my early 20's.

We're all sitting around one evening, drinking our "toddies" that my grandfather fixed for us. I'm feeling all grown up because I'm finally drinking alcohol with the adults and being allowed to join in the conversation. Somehow the topic of sororities comes up. Except my grandmother keeps calling them fraternities. She corrects herself at first, that is, until I decide to jump in every.single.time. to correct her. Instead of telling me to shut the fuck up and let her talk, she just corrects herself and keeps talking.

For the fortieth time, my grandmother says fraternity - and as she pauses to correct herself, I jump in yet again to show off my superior know-it-all knowledge. "It's FRARORITY, not fraternity!"

Everyone stops to laugh hysterically at the know-it-all buttinsky. Many years later, my family still reminds me of this incident.

Serves me right.

Yes, I learned my lesson that day. Now I just shut the fuck up let the old people talk without any help from me - they've done it this long, my help is not required unless it's requested. So there.


OhTheJoys said...

I was all that WITH the sassy mouth. It was my parents and grandparents rolling THEIR eyes and saying, Oh The JOYS!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHHA I SO remember that!!!!! I still joke about it when someone is talking about the greek life! haha :) and I don't know anything about know-it-all teenagers...obviously that gene ended with you............. HAHA! yeah right! :) ~Heather