Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Too Bad We're Too Far Out for Merry Maids....

Ok, I was kidding about the crack pipe.

I realize I've been a slacker lately, with both posting and commenting. I think I may be on my way out of the "newborn fog" that I've been in for the past four months. As I'm becoming more aware of my surroundings, I'm noticing that a clutter monster took a giant dump all over my house.

My goal is to clean and reorganize one room a day.

stop laughing!

So far, I've done our bedroom and the dining room. I'm currently working on the computer room (aka - the dumping ground). I've even rearranged all the photos on our hard drive and put them in neat little folders. Then I went nuts and uploaded more pictures to flickr, because I can't ever stay focused on the task at hand.

While reorganizing our closets, it occurred to me that if I'm going to be successful at this whole "three kid thing" I'm going to need to be more organized. I have plans for chore charts and reward charts and schedules and I'm even breaking out the label maker!!!! Of course if I know my kids, in only one week the labels will be peeled off and stuck on the walls and the charts will be colored with pretty little scribbles.

Too bad my mother-in-law can't plan one of her visits for the one week out of the year when everything is neat and tidy.....maybe I should call her ;)


Anonymous said...

HAHA! I was so laughing when you said to stop!...I love it: "I'm noticing that a clutter monster took a giant dump all over my house." Best quote of at LEAST the week! ~Heather
P.S. Mom made a small effort at the chore charts for us....went no where!!! :) (thank goodness for me!)

Anonymous said...

You write very well.