Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Shhhh, listen

Hear that? No? Guess what? Me neither. That means it's quiet and quiet means all THREE kids, the dog and the cat are all asleep and in their respective beds. (Cue the hallelujah choir, but do it quietly). I have about 20 more minutes until the husband gets home and I am reveling in the peace while I can. It wasn't a bad day, just the usual chaos, but it is nice to sit and just be me for a minute with nothing being expected of me.

Apparently this is "DeLurking Week" so make sure you come out of the closet on your favorite boards and let yourself be seen. I'm a chronic lurker, so it's been hard for me. but I've managed to leave comments on at least half the pages I read. My goal for tomorrow is to leave comments for everyone. I'll have to start early, but I should be able to get it done by the time I go to bed tomorrow. :)


Slackermommy said...

I'm trying to get back into the swing of things and commenting on blogs. I'm LMAO at the comment you left today on my blog. I so could hang with you!

OhTheJoys said...

Peace? You have peace? (So jealous!)