Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wake up and smell the coffee

I know you already think I'm weird. Now I'm going to prove just how weird I really am.

Sometimes I smell coffee when I wake up.

What's so weird about that?

There's no coffee being brewed anywhere near me, yet I smell it as if it's being brewed in the next room.

I've even woke up on several occasions in the middle of the night, swearing that I smelled something burning. I had to get out of bed and prowl the house to ease my mind before I could go back to sleep. Everyone would be sound asleep and tucked safely in their beds. I wouldn't smell smoke anywhere in the house, until I laid back down.

I dunno, it's the weirdest thing.

Since I'm still smelling the coffee and I had a rough night with the baby, I'm going to brew me a pot right now. If I'm smelling coffee, might as well have some, right?

Yeah, analyze that Dr. Freud!


Pendullum said...

Maybe your husband is using coffee beans as an essential oils, burning it like incense all around the house...

ellie bee said...

my first conscious act in the morning is to brew myself a latte (now that I'm officially middle aged, I can treat myself to that instead of just a plain coffee--although a cup of coffee is great as well) Sometimes, I have coffee before bed--years of being addicted have clearly burnt up my caffeine receptors, since it doesn't keep me up!
Just the smell of coffee--real of imagined--would be enough to get me up and going anytime!

Site manager said...

I smell stuff burning all the time and walk around the house sniffing and looking for smoke.

My 14 year old says it is my brain cells frying, because I am going crazy. He may be right!