Thursday, April 5, 2007

Still trying to recover

Last week I was feeling bored and thought that maybe I don't have enough to do.

So I took a road trip over the weekend.

With all three children.

By myself.

And before I left I decided to up the supermom mentality and crochet a blanket for my grandparents.

Nope, finishing school and raising three children aren't enough for me. I have to do more.

Anyway, the trip itself was not that bad. The kids watched movies and we stopped about once every hour. We were able to see the in-laws, my paternal grandparents, my maternal grandparents and my aunt and uncles. It really was nice to see everyone - but as the saying goes, there's no place like home.

When we got back home, the husband greeted us and asked Caleb what we did while we were gone.

I was hoping he would mention something like running around outside in open fields with the dogs, or riding the tractor with his grandfather, or swinging with his great-grandfather, or playing the piano or playing the guitar with my uncle. But nooooooo.

My child? What does he remember the most?

"Mom let me pee in a cup!"

Ahhh, making memories, it's what I do best.

1 comment:

Site manager said...


That is one of my favorite things about kids, the very smallest things to them are full of joy. It would be wonderful to live like that!
