Friday, April 27, 2007

We're Soaring.....

We're Flying.....

I curse the Disney Channel and their oh-so-popular "High School: The Musical".

(Please, oh please, click the link. I want someone else to get it stuck in their head too.)

It's not enough I had to listen to all the songs all summer long, and subsequently, sing them all day long because I can't seem to get that wretched song out of my head.

Oh nooooooo.

They had to re-air the movie tonight with commercial breaks to teach the dance moves to the last song.

Since the husband works late on Friday nights, it's become a ritual of sorts for me and J to watch a movie or tv show after the boys are in bed. (See! Caleb isn't my only child!) Tonight "High School: The Musical" was the winner and now, two hours later, I'm still humming that stupid song.

God help me, they're making a sequel.

So, "Get Your Head in the Game" cause "We're SOARING! We're FLYING!"


ellie bee said...

We've been soaring too, and I can't wait until the sequel. At least there will be new songs!

Miga said...

New songs are good. I can't believe how excited I get when one of the kids' programs has a new episode ;)