Thursday, March 8, 2007

Cleaning house

My mother-in-law announced last week that she'll be visiting this weekend. Well, she did ask if the dates were ok with us - she didn't say she was coming and there was nothing we can do about it.

Just thought I'd clear that up.

Anyway, when I learn that my MIL will be visiting, I have a moment of panic.

This woman's house is spotless - even when all three boy children lived at home her house was spotless. I am intimidated by her spotlessness.

My house has never been spotless. It's come close a few times, but I don't think I've ever achieved spotlessness.

MIL would never be so rude as to say anything about the state of our house, but I can't help but feel self conscious about her visit.

In anticipation of THE VISIT, I usually start cleaning a full week ahead of time, so I won't have to spend one entire day cleaning.

Yesterday I decided to try to clean our shower.

Our shower has been gross since we moved in. I've used nearly every bathroom cleaner known to man trying to get this shower clean. Nothing worked. So, I stopped trying. I mean, if you can't tell it's clean when it is clean, why bother cleaning? Make sense? Thought so.

I found this new cleaner and thought I'd give it a try. Could hurt, right? It turned out to be the miracle cleaner and I was so beyond thrilled to have found something that actually worked!


Our shower was finally clean. It was so clean, my husband could tell a difference. (love you honey)

It's so sad that I got such a great sense of accomplishment from simply cleaning a bath tub/shower.

It's even sadder that I couldn't shut up about it when my husband got home.

Me: "Look honey! It's clean! Can you believe how clean it looks? I don't think it's been this clean since we've moved in."

Husband: "Hell, I don't think it's ever been that clean."

Good man.

He knows how to shut me up, all I need is a little recognition and I'll return to my corner.

Now, for the rest of the house....


Site manager said...

As the owner of a pretty gross shower myself, I am dying to know what you used to clean it.

Slackermommy said...

So what's this miracle cleaner called?

Miga said...

ok ok I'll "reveal" my secret. It's called Kaboom - comes in a purple bottle. It's best to spray it and let it sit a few minutes before you start scrubbing with a brush. The best part is, no harsh fumes so it doesn't hurt to breathe when you're cleaning ;)

elementary historyteacher said...

Hi, I stopped by via the Georgia Carnival and I'm so glad I did. I can't wait to run out and buy some of that cleaner. I can't wait to have a clean, clean shower because ours has been pretty gross as well. Thanks!