Saturday, December 30, 2006

Get it?

Instead of "Mama Mia!", it's Mama Miga. That's me, Miga. It's a weird name, I know, but I'm a weird person - so it works. I have no idea where my weird mom got my weird name from, but I have yet to run into anyone else that has my name, even in the wide world of internetland. I've done the google searches and all I can come up with is either a banking term or a charitable foundation. One day I'll be famous and people will name their children after me. THEN my name will return thousands of results!!! (insert evil laugh here) Nah, I really don't want to be famous, and now that I'm older, a unique name suits me.

After lurking and reading everyone else's blogs for the past few months, I thought I'd give it a try too. I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to tell anyone about this blog. It might be nice not having to worry (for now) about the in-laws or my sisters reading this. I just need an outlet to be silly or mean or whiny without having to worry about discussing what I posted at the next family function.

Until next time....


The Narcissist said...

Welcome to blogging. :) Thanks for delurking the other day by the way. You are so right about the swine.

Anonymous said...

haha what's funny is i got the mama miga before your explanation!! - Heather